Even an Expert Can Use More Expertise.
Because it takes a lot more than nutrition to meet the needs of the herd.
Beef is a protein of choice. Don't allow the variables of raising cattle restrict your ability to be profitable, efficient, and sustainable.
Because there's more to the cattle business than nutrition, Cargill looks at your entire operation to provide comprehensive solutions to meet your goals. We have the expertise to help build a program specific to you. It's about integrating industry-leading technology, tools expertise and services with your business opportunities.
If there's a way for you to be more profitable, we will help you discover it and build your best operation.
Building Your Best Beef Operation
Pasture Solutions
Cargill and our team of trusted professionals will partner with you to build a nutritional program that integrates our feeds, minerals and services to provide you a solution that fits your specific environment.
Feedlot Solutions
Don’t allow the variables of finishing cattle to restrict your ability to run a profitable and sustainable feedlot. Talk with our team of consultants and nutritionists about assessing your entire feedlot business. They go beyond nutrition to give you comprehensive solutions with a clear understanding of where to best integrate technology, tools, expertise, and services.

Grass changes with the seasons.
Shouldn't your mineral?
Right Now®â€¯minerals are formulated to allow you to match the mineral feeding program to the growing seasons, forage conditions and nutritional needs of your cattle. This program supports healthy weaning rates, heavier calves, and reduced feed costs.
More Expertise to Support Your Operation
Are You Listening to Your Data?
Data insights allow producers to make more informed business and management decisions, and much of the data is already being collected.
Manage forage inventory for more profit
If your hay inventory is inadequate, you can improve forage utilization, come up with more feed or reduce the number of animals.
Formulate a dynamic and profitable nutrition plan
Following a proper nutrition plan includes forage testing your grass and hay and understanding if you’re underfeeding or overfeeding your cows.